Imported from the third Master Tracker.


This doc is maintained by the Editors on the behalf of the Game Detectives Discord server. Please send a Discord DM or make a suggestion to the doc if you have anything to add or if you would like to contact us about this document.

Each website domain is given a top-level section header. Each clue originating from that website is given a subheader. Long copy (e.g., the transcribed pages of the Zine) are placed in the appendix.

We have a bot in the Game Detectives Discord that actively scans and reposts email messages sent through the Sekiguchi Genetics website (see §2.1) and chat messages in the Traxus chat room (see §3.1). You need to join the Email Updates and Chat Updates threads in said discord for messages to show. The bot is currently disabled.


Be aware that we have found some clues before the intended release time by investigating and reverse engineering the source code of the websites. This is discouraged, and should not be used to progress.

Loose Threads

  • 1.4.5 MIDA goes Mad
  • §2.2, 2.3: The Sekiguchi Purchase Order and Memo for Traxus
  • §4.1: The Hear our Silence graffiti
  • §4.2: Pages of the Hear our Silence Zine (we have some done)
  • §5.3: The files in the UESC Futurum folder


Clues are organized according to their origin.

Data Archive

2 items under this folder.